“What is Resilience” - A review of the literature around resilience. Published in FFIC Feb 2024

“Firefighter Mental Health: A Literature Review of Current Individual and Organizational Issues.” - A review of current literature on Mental Health on an Individual and Organizational lens. Written by UBC student Jordan Bolzon -
Lit Review

"Coping!" - A resource outlining the importance of making a Safety Plan.
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:

"Safety Planning" - A resource to help you or a loved one plan out a successful way to overcome whatever problem that is creating issues. From addictions to suicide, this plan is a great start to the conversation and a great tool to keep you safe and on track.
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:
Safety Planning

"Mind Yourself" - A resource to help you in identifying cognitive distortions.
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:
Mind yourself!

"Think Different." - A resource to help you identify when you are engaging in cognitive distortions, or "thought blocks". Everyone engages in these, but understanding that you are is the first step to helping you think different!
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:
Think Different

"Myths!" - A resource that will help you identify thoughts and beliefs that do not hold up against the research. These myths are ones that many of us have heard throughout the years. And, still others are ones we continue to hear.
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:

"The Change Table" - A way of conceptualizing your change ideas to help you identify your motivations for that change!
Find that as a downloadable here:
"The Change Table"


"Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress in Police and Other First Responders"; Marmar et al., 2006
Find that article here:
Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress in Police and Other First Responders

"Am I stressed?" - A resource to help identify different stress reactions.
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:
Am I stressed?

"COPE" - A resource (that could have been placed in any of our sections) to help cope in any situation. Not all of it will work for everyone, but it is a tool for the tool box!
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:

"The A-B-C's" - A resource that we developed to help you in Emotional Emergencies; those times when you are feeling overwhelmed by ANY emotional experience. This is a grounding exercise that could also benefit those who experience flashbacks. 
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:
The A-B-C's


Warning Signs to Suicide - A resource offered by CASP identifying a potential risk for suicide.
Find that article here:
Warning Signs


"The Jargon" - A resource to eliminate the confusion regarding terminology used for stress related injuries. A great, quick reference for both therapists and First Responders alike.
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:
The Jargon


"Addictions - Alcohol"  - A resource to show population norms with regards to drinking behaviors. Where do you fall?
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:

"Substance Use Model" - A resource to show that substance use behaviour falls on a continuum. Demonstrating not only how some use is not considered problem behaviour, but how some use can quickly become a problem
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:
Substance Use


"An Inside Look at the Impact of First Responders’ Work on Their Relationship" - Featuring an article by Dr. Andy Brown on the impact of trauma on the family relationship.
Trauma and Family

"For the Family" - A resource that introduces the idea of secondary stress to family members of First Responders.
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:
For the Family

"What Families Should Know" - A resource of information on stress responses to keep in mind! This applies to both the family members as well as the First Responders in the family!
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here:
What Families should Know!

"Talking" - A resource for First Responders and their families to start the conversation! An introduction on how to begin to talk about those bad calls while keeping your family safe.
Find that AFTER THE CALL document as a downloadable here: